Marco Gallicani

Marco Gallicani is a 39 years old, graduated in Moral Philosophy.

Former director of the Ethical Finance Association, he regularly writes on many Italian newspapers related to social innovation and financial reform

He most of all research and train about development, finance, ethics and solidarity economy.

He was in the staff of the first european Alternative Economy City, made by the Municipality of Rome, in 2005 (

He recently worked in Sbilanciamoci - a socio political campaign on issues of economics and justice ( and in Altreconomia - the independent magazine about solidarity economy.

He wrotes many books, such as « Discover the money that supports alternatives », « Manifesto for another finance », « Ethical finance in the souths of the world », ‘Ethics and provident funds « , « Investor’s Handbook of Ethics and Solidarity ».

He is the director of, a blog about ethical finance in Italy, and still goes scouting with Agesci, despite the arrival of Mattia, in January.

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