Solidarity-Based Productive Chains

The text analyses the conditions required to progressively replace capitalist accumulation relationships and to encourage relationships built on solidarity-based production and consumption: sharing product surpluses, generating new work opportunities, while increasing participants’ consumption and generating a major diversity of products and services in order to guarantee a good life for all those involved in solidarity-based labour and consumption.

Euclides André Mance, janvier 2003

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Résumé :

Production chains are made up of all the stages necessary for producing, distributing and commercializing goods or services until they reach their final consumption. For some, the concept also includes a product’s financing, developing and advertising processes. In other words, a productive chain can be mapped by identifying the different items that were consumed or processes that were carried out for the production of a particular good or service. When considering productive chains in network economies, we always begin by looking at the final and productive consumption stage, in order to understand the linkages and flow of materials involved, information and values that circulate through the different productive stages in the feedback process. A reorganization of productive chains based on solidarity, following a logic of abundance, increases the social benefits of economic efforts as they work towards supporting consumption within the networks according to the distribution of wealth.