Synthesis Report on the E Forum on International Regulations

This synthesis report presents the various papers written by participants in the International Regulations Workshop and attempts to draw out the key points and recommendations of each paper and the agreements and disagreements that emerged in the exchange.

Walden Bello, décembre 2005

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Résumé :

The contributions to the International Regulations Workshop’s e-forum on international regulations come from a radically different perspective than the desire to save or improve the current system of global capitalism: how to protect people from the ravages of a global market driven by corporate profitability. The « disembedding » of the market from its social matrix, to use the language of the great Hungarian scholar Karl Polanyi, is, in the view of the authors of the contributions, the central cause of the inter-linked crises of our time. And the key problem with which each of the authors grapples is how the market and its key agents-the corporations, the multilateral institutions, and hegemonic governments-can be resubordinated to society. The proposals for change, then, that come from these contributions cannot help but challenge the fundamental dynamics of the global capitalist system.

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