Harnessing Grassroots Innovations: Complementary Currencies and Sustainability

International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France

Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, February 2011

To download : PDF (960 KiB)

Summary :

Complementary currencies have been researched from a variety of perspectives, including as tools to promote environmental sustainability. This paper argues that in fact there are multiple and overlapping ways in which currencies can be linked to more ecologically sustainable development pathways, but in most cases this potential has yet to be fulfilled. It

outlines a theoretical approach that treats civil society as a site of grassroots innovation from which alternative ‘systems of provision’ such as complementary as complementary currencies can potentially emerge. Adopting this perspective enables us to apply innovation related theories that have the potential to shed light on the scaling up, replication and

translation of currency systems.

Sources :

Site web du Colloque international sur les monnaies sociales et complémentaires : CC-CONF 2011, février 16, 2011 – février 17, 2011.Organisé par les laboratoires LEFI et Triangle, Université de Lyon:

« Trente années de monnaies sociales et complémentaires – et après ? »

sur conferences.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/index.php/cc-conf/2011/schedConf/presentations?searchInitial=B&track=