Upscaling social investment. 50 case studies

Areas of relevance to developing and upscaling social investment in Europe and draw on international experiences relevant to the European situation.

avril 2000

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Resumen :

This collection of case studies are written by experts in the different aspects of social finance. They cover areas of relevance to developing and upscaling social investment in Europe and draw on international experiences relevant to the European situation. Although most are directly European in nature, they include the key relevant experiences from North America and Eastern Europe. These studies are grouped into three areas: Vision, Strategy and Policy, and Practice.

VISION: These studies explore the vision we have of the future of social finance, in a context of a changing banking system.

STRATEGY AND POLICY: These studies explore strategic and policy issues for the sector and look at issues, such as social investment in the context of a changing welfare state, or policy issues, such as disclosure regulation.

PRACTICE: These studies demonstrate the possibilities of social finance, displaying examples of current practice, showing what is possible.