A Plan for Public Procurement: Food & Catering Balanced scorecard for public food procurement

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK

Juli 2014

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Summary :

Public sector food and catering accounted for around £2.4bn (5.5%) of the food service sector in 2012. This includes the procurement of central government departments, including prisons and the armed forces as well as other bodies like schools and hospitals.

Defra, with Dr Peter Bonfield, is working on a plan to enable public procurement to support a healthier future for people, farms and food producers, in particular a sustainable and competitive UK food and farming sector. This work has involved reaching out to the wider public sector, including schools, hospitals, colleges, care homes and local authorities, as well as developing a toolkit for procurers that supports a more transparent and consistent approach to procurement as a result.

Sources :

Site de ECPAR www.ecpar.org/fr/cadres/marches-publics