Leave No One for the Sustainable Partnership in Sub-Saharan Africa

de Futuro del Trabajo: Buenas Prácticas de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular (CSST) en Economía Social y Solidaria

Patrick Newton Bondo, octubre 2019

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Resumen :

This Collection of 54 Good Practices focuses on solutions that illustrate SSTC good practices to promote decent work in social economy. It is aimed at expanding understanding of South-South and triangular cooperation at the global and regional level by providing a sound basis for discussion, but it is not exhaustive.

Together with partners in Africa and around the world, Outreach Social Care Project worked to ensure that the needs of the most marginalized are brought to the forefront of policy and are recipients of the resources and programs being mobilized under the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and 2030 Agenda, which offers an historic opportunity to eradicate extreme poverty and ensure no one is left behind.

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