17-18 November 2014

Unlocking the potential of the social economy for EU growth. Italian presidency of the European Union social economy event.

Rome, Italy

The Social Economy is one of the priorities of the Italian Government during the Semester of Italian presidency of the EU Council. With the aim of contributing to the definition of the European agenda in this field, the Italian presidency will dedicate careful consideration to the role of the social economy for European growth by organizing an online public consultation and an international event, which will take place on 17-18 November, in Rome – Italy.

In order to facilitate dialogue and debate in a transparent and participatory way, the public consultation is open to all of those who might be interested in the development of the Social Economy in Europe. The themes of the consultation are described in the dedicated section. Whoever is interested may give a contribution by sending thoughts, ideas and suggestions via email at socialeconomnyrome2014@lavoro.gov.it by 15 September 2014. All of the contributions will be used as the basis for the discussion that will take place during the international event in Rome.

We are now calling for speakers for the international event "UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY FOR EU GROWTH". Contributions from all of those who are interested in the future of the Social Economy are welcome, and selected contributors will be able to present within the parallel thematic work sessions of the event. In order to participate, please fill out the form e send it to socialeconomyrome2014@lavoro.gov.it by 5 P.M. on 15 September 2014.

More info: www.lavoro.gov.it