SSE Mappings

The map of SSE solutions

What are the solutions implemented by social and solidariy economy in Europe and worldwide? To meet what needs? Hundreds of descriptions of initiatives to inspire and spread.


The Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy is a network made up of one organisation per continent. It brings together continental associations of actors and networks aiming to build a shared vision of SSE based on their socio-economic experiences in the field: a political model that guarantees fundamental human rights, democracy and a space for social, economic and ecological transformation.

RIPESS Europe – Solidarity Economy Europe is the European platform of RIPESS.

Public policies for SSE

Which are the public policies for social and solidarity economy? For whom? By whom? At what territorial scale? Which are the pilot cities? What spaces of co-construction?

Journalist for solutions

Which media share an alternative view of the economy and a democratic and cooperative way of working? Illustration of this independent and cooperative press with articles on the social and solidarity economy.

SSE for Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)

The Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 2030 Agenda provide guidance for new development strategies and new economic models. How are SSE initiatives addressing these challenges?

SSE Public Policies for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 2030 Agenda provide guidance for new development strategies and new economic models. How are SSE public policies addressing these challenges?

SSE Pedagogical tools

Guides, manuals, videos, trainings on the social and solidarity economy (SSE) exist and are used around the world, here is a way to view them also for the EHS Ecosol Global Curriculum Campaign.

Educational experiences for Buen Vivir, transformative practices for another possible world

If you are an educator, instructor, student, teacher and if you have transformative educational practices that have been useful to the community, we invite you to participate in Educational Experiences for Good Living, transformative practices for another possible world .


Transiscope est le portail web des alternatives. Il a pour objectif de mettre en lumière toutes les alternatives pour la transition en les affichant sur une carte unique, en collectant les données déjà existantes.

Pam a Pams

As an open community of people trained in SSE, Pam a Pam interview the initiatives that they put on the map so that you can get to know them. This process also facilitates the dissemination of initiatives and makes it possible to obtain a diagnosis of the various transformative practices in Catalonia.

Belgique Mode d’emploi

Des alternatives à Bruxelles pour se loger, manger, se vêtir, se chauffer, se soigner, réparer,respirer, s’entraider, se former, communiquer, transporter, bouger.

ESSapp Argentinai

¿Dónde encuentro una cooperativa u otra organización de la Economía Social y Solidaria en Argentina? ¿Dónde puedo adquirir sus productos y servicios de buena calidad, a un precio justo y de manera segura? ¿Dónde puedo informarme de manera alternativa? ¿Dónde puedo encontrar a la banca solidaria?