14-16 November 2014


Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In time of crisis arises a special need of rethinking and reorganizing our environment in order to meet the social needs and deficits which are visible under the weakened system of governance. These social deficits can be filled and that is why the Ideas Factory started working on a project called EMPATHEAST: Forum for Social Change and Open Education in Eastern Europe.

For three days from Nov 14th until Nov 16th EMPATHEAST will gather together leading lectors and practitioners in the field of social change in order to create a space in which we will learn from each other, experiment with creating new models and celebrate the availability of approaches such as Design Thinking and Art of Hosting in a non-conference format. The focus of the Forum will be the individual and social change so that we can create a community of conscious people who function as one organism, not as separate entities, a community which will actively apply collective intelligence, public visioning, systems thinking, intuitive self-governed leadership.

EMPATHEAST will be much more than an event. Place. Process. Game.
In order to visualize it, we have prepared the EMPATHEAST code. Meet the symbols: Innovator, Early Adopters, Challenge, Process, Collaboration, Common Good. Often the Common Good cannot reach its destination because of a Challenge standing in its way. That is why we need the Innovator, who suggests a Process and inspires the Early Adopters. During the Collaboration they realize the innovative process and overcome the Challenges so that the Common Good can reach its final destination.

EMPATHEAST meets Innovators with Early Adopters who think of a Process in a spirit of Collaboration in order to overcome a Challenge and create Common Good.

All guests of the event will be able to get to know this system puzzle by experimenting with it in the form of a game.

See Program.