July 30th – August 5th

Summer Institute 2017 – Building Global Solidarity in an Age of Division

Amherst College, Amherst (MA)

An intensive residential training

- How have the economic structures of global capitalism helped to shape our current moment?
- How do the structures of global capitalism currently function?
- How can we marshal our understanding into building dignified lives for all?


We’re living in a global moment of reactionary backlash: fear mongering about immigration, refugee crises, climate change denial, rising nationalism and conservative protectionism. These processes occur against the backdrop of increasing inequality, division, and conflict across the globe. At Summer Institute 2017, we’ll explore the economic structures which have shaped this moment, and how we can build alternative forms of global economic integration and solidarity.

Our Summer Institute is a residential, week long intensive training in economics for activists, educators, media makers, and anyone who wants a better understanding of how the economy works. This year’s special track will offer economic tools and analysis to understand neoliberalism; ‘free’ trade agreements; movements of money, people, and goods; economic and military imperialism; and global environmental injustice. We will also explore existing and proposed alternatives for fairer trade and migration systems and equitable solutions to climate change.

Our analysis takes us beyond harmful myths and tropes, from ‘they take our jobs,’ to the notion that jobs come at the expense of the environment, allowing us to build the broad-based solidarity this moment calls for. Our participatory curriculum is led by staff economists from the Center for Popular Economics, and the format will allow you to benefit from the rich knowledge and experience of other participants. No background in economics is necessary!

More information at : http://www.populareconomics.org/home/summer-institute-2017-building-solidarity-in-an-age-of-division/