Interview of Lozada Seminario Marianella, Solidarity Economy Initiative Group - Chiclayo (Peru)

Activity in the domain of formation, production and comecialisation in Peru

Humberto Ortiz Roca, Januar 2004

In anderen Sprachen : français - Español

I. What is the main goal of your economic activity?

Training, production and commercialization


II. Are you engaged in a DIFFERENT economy? How does it differ from the dominant economy?

Solidarity economy is different from the dominant economy because it is committed to serving people. In our organization, we do this by strengthening micro-sized firms in the Clothing and Food Industries.

III. What does ABUNDANCE mean to you? Is material abundance an aim or the means to achieve something else? What is that something else?

According to our work, abundance means a great quantity of production or richness. Yet, this kind of material abundance is not our goal, but rather a means to help increase our community’s quality of life and, consequently, social well-being.


IV. What VALUES do you and your fellow workers put into practice in your daily life and in your work? Is it possible, in your opinion, for these values to become the predominant values of society as a whole? How can they be mainstreamed?


Respect, justice, solidarity, honesty, responsibility, truthfulness and integrity are the values that we put into practice. These values could prevail in our present society as a whole, if it had the will to change. They could be widespread values if the State, public and private institutions and the civil society as a whole took over the task of awareness raising and surveillance of their application.


V. What innovations have you developed in terms of organization, management and appropriation of the fruits of labor?

We have strengthened the organization of producers into unions, making use of the opportunities of globalization, such as scientific and technological discoveries, information and demand and product promotion.

With reference to the management of the fruits of labor, we have promoted the beneficiaries’ commitment with all aspects of the process, in order to get their cooperation and gain their confidence.

We’ve also promoted human development, the extension of human capacities, market access, the ownership of productive assets, credit and corporate management.


VI. Do you think working in solidarity networks or in solidarity production chains is important? What are these in your opinion?

We believe it is very important to work in the solidarity network, which has a global vision of society, and strengthen the existing networks. In the specific case of our institution, the productive solidarity chains will allow us to join other producer and provider networks based on cooperation and solidarity.


VII. Does your activity influence the life of the community? How and in which spheres?

Yes, it does. We provide technical-productive training to low-income people and we work with producers during the whole economic process.


VIII What is work in your experience? What’s its value and meaning in life?

Based on our experience, work means the contribution of our knowledge and labor force to the transformation of goods and services. The value of my work is social reward and a reason for happiness by contributing to strengthening the institution and going ahead with development projects.

IX. What role do WOMEN play in a cooperation and solidarity-oriented economic initiative?

In an economic initiative grounded on cooperation and solidarity, women play the role of active producers and promoters of change, of equal opportunities in terms of market access and access to capitals, credits and rights to property.

X. How can public policies and the State contribute to the advancement of a Socio-Economy of Solidarity?

They can contribute by re-directing economic politics to social goals in order to pay the domestic social debt; by accepting foreign investments as long as they are regulated by the State, a State where the civil society has the power to self-determine its own economic development.

XI. Do you believe the globalization of cooperation and solidarity is possible? How can it become a reality?

Yes, I believe it is possible. To turn it into a reality we should strengthen continental, national and local networks; raise awareness in people, institutions and the State and commit ourselves to the common good, to putting an end to all inequalities that cause so much damage to nations.

Sources :

Vision workshop of the WSSE

See also: