Aline Mendonça dos Santos

Aline Mendonça dos Santos holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the Catholic University of Pelotas, a Master’s degree in Applied Social Sciences by the University of Vale dos Sinos and a PhD in Social Work by the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She is currently a professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Pelotas and a researcher at CES where she joins the project « ALICE ». She is a member of the Solidarity Economy Studies Group at CES (ECOSOL CES), a member of the Solidarity Economy Research Group of UNISINOS (ECOSOL UNISINOS) and researcher of the Public Policy Laboratory (LPP / UERJ). She has experience in the areas of Sociology and Social Service acting mainly in the themes State and society; Social movements and solidarity economy.

2 pubblicazioni

2 tesi

Un strumento pedagogico

Un studio di caso

9 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli