Union Fédérale d’Intervention des Structures Culturelles (UFISC)

The UFISC, Federal Union for Intervention of Cultural Structures, is a professional federation bringing together sixteen networks and employers organizations of the social and solidarity economy in the cultural field, more than 2,500 non-profit, associative or cooperative structures, in various fields. (show, music, visual arts, media …).

These develop a diversity of activity: creation, production and dissemination of artistic approaches (shows, exhibitions …) and events, cultural action on the territory, creation by the artistic of a public space and citizen, transmission of know-how, support for the development of amateur practice … Born from citizen initiatives, these structures lead a plurality of projects as open spaces, places of life and work, bridges between people, work in the direction of the emergence and support of the freedom of artistic expression, creating cooperative territorial networks, between peers, promoting cultural diversity and the cultural rights of people.

The members recognize the Manifesto « For another economy of art and culture » - www.ufisc.org/l-ufisc/manifeste.html - in English: http: //www.ufisc. org / images / UFISC_Ufisc / UFISC_Manifesto_EN.pdf

The UFISC works on the observation of practices and the analysis of alternative ways of doing things based on a search for social utility, relation to territories, citizen participation and hybrid economic models. Actor recognized at the national level, it contributes to the consultations on the public policies of the State and the collectivities and the professional structuring of the sectors. It accompanies the structures, the teams and the project promoters through different devices and animates cooperation procedures.

For UFISC, the construction of the European Union must assert itself in an ambitious political project, based on respect for human rights, diversity and citizen participation in the co-construction of public policies. Its goal is to « network » to « make common » with other citizen actors from different European countries in order to exchange, accompany, invent and cooperate and thus contribute, in a bottom-up way, to the construction of an open space of cultures and solidarities.

Una formazione

6 Video

Un strumento pedagogico

2 proposte

Un studio di caso

14 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli

Una carta/manifesto

4 articoli