Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 Cooperative contributions to SDG 6

ILO Briefs

Mai 2018

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Summary :

This brief is part of the Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 series produced by the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC). Through a series of 17 briefs, one for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), COPAC hopes to raise awareness about the significant contributions of cooperative enterprises towards achieving the 2030 Agenda in a sustainable, inclusive and responsible way, and encourage continued support for their efforts. This brief focuses on SDG 6 – ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Cooperatives can play an important role in the availability and sustainable management of water and san- itation. In the United States, 89 per cent of the population using public water systems is served by either a publicly owned, municipal water system or a cooperative utility.3 As organizations that exist to meet their members’ needs and work for the suistainable development of their communities, cooperatives can offer a model for people in a community to pool their resources and find solutions for improving water and sanita- tion, particularly in areas where other public and private entities are unable or unwilling to invest in provid- ing such services.

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