Energy and sustainable development: an energy efficiency strategy

This document has been drafted by the team of project leaders of the Energy Workshop.This first document constitutes a starting point for the discussion forum, of which the aim is to formulate proposals for each level of intervention.

maggio 2000

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The energy sector remains largely dominated by a supply oriented approach and by the systems of production and sales of energy: centralised decision making, large-scale projects, massive investment, etc. An efficiency strategy consists of the development of policies and the implementation of measures and means making it possible to alter the conditions of energy consumption in every area of the economy and of society, by improving the efficiency of methods and of consuming items. The objective is to improve the response to the needs of development with a consumption of energy much lower than that resulting from present practices.

The success of energy efficiency will be determined by the level of the capacity for intervention of the new stakeholders from all parts of society. Much remains to be done, but some countries, towns and rural communities have implemented programmes and projects and have introduced remarkable policies.

The diversity of situations and stakeholders, combined with the need for a global strategy, has led the Alliance for A Responsible and United World, to propose the organisation of an « Energy Workshop » on the theme developed in this document, « Energy and sustainable development: a strategy for energy efficiency ».

The document is intentionally general in nature and aims to outline the concepts and orientations in a relatively concise way while demonstrating their coherence:

1.\tEnergy: response to needs or factor for power and profit?

2.\tEnvironmental damage, economic impasse and political crisis

3.\tAn energy efficiency strategy

4.\tKey questions

5. An Alliance initiative: a site and a network for energy efficiency