Overall Cross-summary: Thirty Proposals for an Alternative Global Model

Provisional summary of the Forum for the Cross-evaluation of Proposals for a Responsible, Plural and United World.

octubre 2003

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Resumen :

Before the summer of 2002, the team of Nova, the Barcelona Centre for Social Innovation, in response to the Call for Initiatives by the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind, presented a proposal to undertake a collective reviewing and cross-evaluation process of the Proposal Papers and Breakthroughs of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World published in 2001. The aim was to produce a consensual cross-summary. This summary could then be taken to other alliances and forums, such as the World and European Social Forums or that of Barcelona 2004.

To submit to nearly 3,000 Allies, for review and evaluation, about 60 texts including more than 1,000 proposals on a great variety of issues in 5 languages and at a low cost, we used the Delibera® system and opened a discussion forum at http://propalliance.delibera.info/GB/ for that the Allies could participate in this process through their evaluations, comments, and contributions.

For 9 months, we facilitated the evaluation of 35 texts (about 517 articles), presented in the format of a Delibera Questionnaire. At the end of June 2003, we summarized the results of the evaluation in three documents, one of which is this one: the Overall Cross-summary.

This provisional summary, which covers only 35 of the 60 Proposal Papers, was achieved on the basis of the 30 articles most favorably evaluated by the participants as « key proposals to produce alternatives to the current globalization model. » They are presented here under 10 main chapters as proposals that will allow the gradual construction of Alternative Models reflecting the content of another possible, responsible, plural and united world.